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What to expect

Never been to a chiropractor before?  Here's a brief example of what to expect when coming to our office for the first time.

At your initial visit, please have your completed New Patient Packet, insurance cards, and any other pertinent medical documents available.  The doctor will personally take a thorough health history prior to the physical examination.  This process will vary in length depending upon the complexity of the patient's medical history.  Typically, the history takes 30 to 45 minutes.  The history allows the doctor to determine if your condition may be the type of condition treatable by chiropractic means.  If so, the doctor will then perform an examination consisting of vital signs, orthopedic, neurological, and chiropractic evaluations in order to narrow down possible causes for your symptoms.  Additional testing such as x-ray examination may be indicated as well.  

Dr. Myers will review his findings with you and suggest your treatment options if he determines that you have a chiropractic condition.  Typical treatment consists of chiropractic manipulative therapy and may include the use of adjunctive procedures such as ultrasound, electric stimulation, or rehabilitative exercises.

Most people find manipulative therapy, also called chiropractic adjustments, to be both relaxing and enjoyable.

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treatment frequency

Treatment frequency and duration are dependent upon the nature of your condition and any complicating factors.  Initial treatment frequency is often three times per week for the first two weeks.  The frequency will then decrease as your condition becomes more stable.  Once stable, you will be released from care.  Acute, non-complicated conditions will likely have a lower frequency of treatment and a shorter duration for resolution.  Arthritic and chronic conditions tend to be slower to respond and, therefore, require more frequent care for a longer duration.  Like many aspects of life, the sooner we address a problem the better the outcome. 

In cases involving long-standing conditions, such as arthritis, it may be advisable to switch to a maintenance care program after the acute phase of care is completed.  Also, patients who have not yet developed degenerative changes may request a preventative maintenance care program as a part of a healthier lifestyle.  Other patients choose to return for treatment on an as needed basis.  It is our office policy to give our patients the information they need to decide on a course of care that best suits their needs and desires.